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Hey, my name is Garry McLean and this is my site knowyourenemy (named after my favourite RATM song) This site was set up on 5th January 2001 and is dedicated mainly to the Foo Fighters and Rage Against the Machine (RATM). Lots of other bands will feature on this site if i have any info on them. So, now the introductions are over, enjoy my site. Happy Surfing!
Rage Against the Machine Appeal
If you dearly miss Zack De La Rocha and want him to return to Rage, then go into my guestbook and express your opinion. Then ill try and find some way to contact Rage or the Rage website and ill show them the replies i got and then hopefully that'll help in some way in getting Zack to return. C'mon the fate of Rage is in your hands.!!!!!!!
As you know, this site is constantly being updated. It is here that i'll post all the recent updates. Check out the cool review of RATM's new album Renegades. More news 'n' reviews will be posted soon so bookmark this page and keep returning for more music mayhem! (By the way, if your from America, the dates go date/month/year, not the other way)

5/1/2001 - site created
6/1/2001 - home, links, contacts pages constructed
7/1/2001 - Foo Fighters & RATM photos posted, guestbook created
8/1/2001 - review of Renegades posted
11/1/2001 - news posted
17/1/2001 - news posted
21/1/2001 - New photo page created, new photos posted and review of Nevermind posted

CONTACT ME!!!!!!!!
This site is a work in progress so it will be constantly updated with new info, reviews and things so if it looks unfinished now, hey im only 15, this isn't a big professional site. I'll appreciate any input from anybody on how i can make the site better or if i have got anything wrong or something. Thanx

Sign my guestbook!!!
If you dont want to e-mail me then please sign my guestbook to let me know what you think. You can get to it by clicking on the "Guestbook Page" link at the top of the page. Thanx. But if you are one of the sad peoplo who think its funny to add insults and replies from famous people, get a life, you sad, sad freak. Crawl back under the rock you came from and let the normal people enjoy my site.

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